A trial; an act or operation
designed to discover some unknown truth, principle or effect, or to establish
it when discovered. Experiments in
chemistry disclose the qualities of natural bodies. A series of experiments proves the uniformity
of the laws of matter. It is not always
safe to trust a single experiment. It is
not expedient to try many experiments in legislation.
make trial; to make an experiment; to operate on a body in such a manner as to
discover some unknown fact, or to establish it when known. Philosophers experiment on natural bodies for
the discovery of their qualities and combinations.Aren't we searching for and applying new things in our lives every single day? A new lipstick, a new perfume, a new phrase, a new recipe, etc.
This course is all about a new way of thinking and feeling about one's self and one's existence. Every day adjusting and tweaking, removing and replacing, evaluating and even keeping.
Experiment is a good word. I experimented with the word 'energize' today. I think the experiment was a success because I managed to keep the energy pretty positive and kind. There was laughter in my relationship today. It was so very nice. I like it so I think I will keep doing it...the positive energy, kindness, gentle speaking thing.
It pays to experiment.
Here's to Growing and Glowing!!
Onward and Upward!
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This is my 90 day personal journal for the "Every Woman A CEO" project. Feel free to leave a comment but please be nice...and no spam.
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