At the end of this post I will no longer post at this site. You can find me at either or as I will be carrying on with the 'words' in the Word Wellness program in which I am currently participating.
1. Standing or
situated in front; facing; as an edifice
opposite to the Exchange.
2. Adverse; repugnant.
3. Contrary; as
words of opposite significations;
opposite terms. The medicine had
an effect opposite to what was expected.
4. In botany,
growing in pairs, each pair decussated or crossing that above and below
it; as opposite leaves or branches.
– crossed, intersected)As I have been working with these words I have been impressed by the sadness of the way our society has changed the words around to mean very nearly the opposite of what they started out to mean.
It is so disturbing to me to hear people say, "That is SICK!" meaning that it is beyond wonderful. How can this be? How can we stand for it? It flows over into other areas of life.
I don't care for being politically correct (which is really a load of prime fertilizer in my opinion) so I am going to be bold. IT IS NOT OKAY to go against the laws of God for any reason. Same sex marriage is totally OPPOSITE from God's law. He did NOT place 2 Adams in the Garden of Eden. Nor did He place 2 Eve's there. It is clear! Our bodies are not made for the abominable practice that 'the world' is embracing.
I know that there is a lot of opposition to my point of view. It is okay. I expect it. But I am comforted by the thought that there are many others who share my point of view. If statistics are still the same as I studied them out to be years ago, then I have spoken the mind of at least 200 people. I can live with that.
1. Situation so as
to front something else; a standing over
against; as the opposition of two
mountains or buildings.
2. The act of
opposing; attempt to check, restrain or
defeat. He makes opposition to the
measure; the bill passed without
opposition. Will any opposition be made
to the suit, to the claim or demand?
3. Obstacle. The river meets with no opposition in its
course to the ocean.
4. Resistance; as the opposition of enemies. Virtue will break through all opposition.
5. Contrariety; repugnance in principle; as the opposition of the heart to the laws of
6. Contrariety of
interests, measures or designs. The two
parties are in opposition to each other.
7. Contrariety or
diversity of meaning; as one term used
in opposition to another
8. Contradiction; inconsistency.
9. The collective
body of opposers; in England, the party
in Parliament which opposes the ministry;
in America, the party that opposes the existing administration.
astronomy, the situation of two heavenly bodies, when distant from each other
180 degrees.Onus:
1. A difficult or disagreeable responsibility or necessity; a
burden or obligation.
2. A stigma.
3. The burden of proof: The onus was on the
defense attorney.
(The American Heritage®
Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton
Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin
All rights reserved.)
I have made a statement that is best described by the first definition of ONUS.
I guess you can say that I understand this word and therefore I can use it now. :) I also know that my conscience is clear in that I have made this statement in a public forum for all the world to see who chooses other forums as well...and I hope many will agree with me, or come to agree with me whichever the case may be.
Vigilant watch; foresight.
commonly said “look-out)As many could read this post...and some may even be family and friends. I hope you understand that I am looking out for my posterity...hoping they will know without a doubt what side of the line I stand on as far as this continuing war that began in Heaven is concerned. I stand firmly on the Lord's side in all things.
The rightful proprietor; one who has the legal or rightful title, whether he is the possessor or not.
He is the owner of my heart. I have given it to Him. I serve Him. I love Him. And each day that I live I work to be worthy of standing in His presence with clean hands and a pure heart, made clean by the atonement of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
This is my testimony, that I know that My Redeemer Lives! And that He loves each of us the same and wants us all to return to His presence clean and pure.
Here's to Growing and Glowing!!!
and Upward!! ™
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