Friday, February 7, 2014


(hmm, it looks like I lost my font...oh well)

I had a glitch in the system but I think I am back on track.

Exact was the word for Tuesday but I didn't get it until late so I saved it for Wednesday and then didn't have time to blog...I did journal, however, so I am sharing my journal entry today then moving on to the next word.

Exact:   To drive, urge, press.  That sounds so harsh...But Noah continues...
   1.  Closely correct or regular; nice; accurate; conformed to rule; as a man is exact in his dealings.
   2.  Precise; not different in the least.
   3.  Methodical; careful; not negligent; correct; observing strict method, rule or order.
   4.  Punctual
   5.  Strict.

That is the is the verb...(I like to share it all because there is so much more "light" shed on the matter).

   1.  To force or compel to pay or yield; to demand or require authoritatively; 
        to extort by means of authority or without pity or justice (as tribute from conquered nations).
   2.  To demand of right; as the Laws of God exact obedience from all men.
   3.  To demand of necessity;  to force a yielding or compliance; or to enjoin with pressing urgency.

This word brings Abraham (of the Old Testament) to mind.  He kept God's commandments with exactness. That is perfectly...nothing wavering.  With all my heart I wish that could be said of me.  Sadly, to date, it cannot.  His life was hard...with a crazy father who tried to sacrifice him to false gods...yet he never wavered.  His hardships seemed to make him more determined to stand firm on the side of God and do whatever he was commanded.  Blessings always followed.

Deiter Uchtdorf said that it is never to late to start and the best time to do it is NOW.  I am hoping that the things that I am studying now will help me make better choices.

I know that I want to hear the Lord's instructions to me and follow through with exactness.
Today (Wednesday) I tried to do my job as a pottery teacher that way.  I tried to show respect to others and be cheerful that way.  I tried to be kind and I especially tried to be a good example of LDS womanhood.

I can say that I feel good about my day.

Today (Friday) I think about that word.  Abraham is a good example...and he was a type of Christ.  The sort of person that everyone can look to to know how to obey God and reap the rewards...not just temporal or earthly rewards but eternal rewards.  He was willing to do the hardest things...he was sad and it was hard but he always trusted that God had a good reason for it.

Care has to be taken when listening for the personal commandments of God.  We get to hear it like a voice in our heads.  But there are 3 voices we hear in our heads and we have to learn to distinguish one from the others.  We hear 1) our own voice.  That voice usually asks questions..."Should I go visit Susan today?"  Or "Should I call and cancel my appointment with Mary?"  We hear 2) the Spirit or Light of Christ (which truly is in all of us...and we like to call our conscience).  That voice says "Go visit Susan" or "Keep that appointment with Mary."  It is quiet, and doesn't nag.  If you don't listen it goes away.  The last voice 3) is the adversary...the devil on your says "You don't need to go see Susan.  She just wastes your time and steals your energy.  She probably isn't even home"...etc. and on and on...That voice rattles and pesters and wants to keep you from doing the good and right thing.

I want to tune in to the second voice listed.  I believe that voice will never lead me astray.  I am confident that when I follow it I will come to living my life exactly the right way.

So I will exact compliance of myself and follow that voice exactly.

Onward and Upward!!

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This is my 90 day personal journal for the "Every Woman A CEO" project. Feel free to leave a comment but please be nice...and no spam.
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