Monday, February 3, 2014

New again.... Emit

I have read a series of books that say "...It isn't the beginning but it is a beginning..."

Well, I am beginning again.  With the "E" words in the "90 day challenge"...that has turned out to be taking a LOT longer than 90 days.  Well, the kinks are getting worked out.

Today was the 1st day of a beginning of the "E" words.

Today's word -- Emit

I have been thinking about this word for some time.  It means:
                 1.  To send forth;  To throw or give out;  as, fire emits heat and smoke; boiling water emits
                      steam; the sun and moon emit light; animal bodies emit perspirable matter; putrescent
                      substances emit offensive or noxious exhalations.
                 2.  To let fly;  to discharge;  to dart or shoot;  as, to emit an arrow
                 3.  To issue forth, as an order or decree.
                 4.  To issue, as notes or bills of credit;  to print, and send into circulation.

(You will remember that I use the "American Dictionary of the English Language" compiled by Noah Webster in 1828.)

My train of thought went to sinning...for some reason I have that on my mind...I am reading the Old Testament, and those silly Israelites just couldn't seem to get anything right...anyway...

There are sins of Omission, and sins of COmmission...but have you ever thought that there might be sins of Emission?

A few years ago I was sitting in the break room where I worked.  I wasn't in a very pleasant mood but I thought I was covering it up boss walked in and said, "Woah!  There is a lot of negative energy in this room."  I guess I was seriously emitting negative energy.  Others were feeling it.

Years ago I did an experiment with brass "divining rods."  We used them to measure the energy of certain emotions.  (I assure you that emotions definitely have energy).  We usually turn it in on ourselves but in this instance I asked my test subjects to think negative think about something that they didn't like about me.  Well, those rods turned round and round in my hands in directions that made them point toward each other.  They spun until I reached the outer perimeter of the energy field...some 10 feet away from the test subject.

Then I had the subject think about something pleasant about me.  To think loving thoughts about me.

Yep, you guessed it the rods spun round and round in my hands away from each other until I reached the outer perimeter of the energy field...I had to go outside to reach that...some 30 feet.

That day I simply learned that those emotions have real energy...but today I thought about what that means.

If I can emit that sort of energy...measurable and powerful...then I want to make sure that that energy is positive and uplifting.

The negative energy would be a "sin" of emission.  Hurtful and draining.  The second definition listed above says it all..."let dart or emit an arrow."  That all sounds pretty negative as far as emotional energy is concerned.

I think I will be much more aware of that sort of thing in my days ahead.  I would much rather emit love.  My Savior said, "As I have loved you love one another."  I think I will do that.

Onward and Upward,

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