Saturday, June 29, 2013

Today's Watch Word -- Chosen

1)        Selected from a number; picked out; taken in preference; elected; predestinated; designated to office.
2)   Select; distinguished by preference; eminent.
     Predetermined;  foreordained; decreed.
1)        High; lofty; as an eminent place
2)   Exalted in rank; high in office; dignified; distinguished.

3)    High in public estimation; conspicuous; distinguished above others; remarkable.

My Patriarchal Blessing tells me that I was reserved for this dispensation of time.  Basically "chosen" to come to the earth at this time in it's history.  Somehow, in the pre-existance I did something, proved myself somehow to afford me this honor.  It was either my actions and choices or the determination of my children that I be their mother no matter what I was like up there ;-)

Then I was "chosen" by Randy to be his wife.  What an honor.  It has been hard sometimes because he learns thing differently than I do.  But, obviously, I have chosen to be his wife...and stick it out through thick and thin.  It is a good choice.

I am so honored that my children chose me for their mother.  I love them so very much.  I marvel at the goodness of these men and spite of me.


Onward and Upward!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Thursday's Watch Word - "Careful" Friday's Watch Word - 'Centered'

1)     Full of care; anxious; solicitous.
2)  Provident; attentive to support and protect.
3)  Watchful; cautious; giving good heed; as, be careful to maintain good works; be careful of your conversation.

4)  Filling with care or solicitude; exposing to concern, anxiety or trouble, full of cares.

When I saw this word my thoughts went straight to:

Luke 10:41

  • New Testament
And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: 
I think we can get so "full of care" about things that are not worthy of SO much care...hence the anxiety.

I have wasted so much time and energy on the wrong things that I am a sick, old woman.  I can't fix everyone or everything.  Nor should I attempt it...  I can only do anything about myself.  I can make adjustments in myself.

So what should I be 'careful' about?
     How I treat others - - 'By this shall men know ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another.'
     What I eat - - '...In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring
                            men in the last days...'
     What I read - - ' ye out of the best books words of wisdom...'
     Where I go - - 'But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved.
     Who I associate with - - sometimes I have to do friend-surgery, even family-surgery. Sometimes I get to be alone until the right people come into my life. (I guess I can get used to that).

I think you get the picture.

I can also choose my activities.  The last few years have been filled with events that have truly unsettled me. I came to a place where I knew that the care of Tari was in her's and the Lord's hands ( I am talking about the mental and emotional care...not the physical care ).  I took up pottery as 'therapy' during this time and I have come to claim it as a serious hobby.  It is teaching me a lot about being 'careful'.

Clay, when you put it on the wheelhead of a potter's wheel, wants to fly off into space because of the centrifugal force...unless it is centered (which is today's word).  It is the same with see it with young people these days.

1)     Collected to a point or center; fixed on a central point.

I want to be full of the care that centers me for the better.  My center is Christ.

I don't know if any of this is making sense to anyone but me...

I love watching Bronwen handle the cares of her day.  Because of her ultimate goal she cares for her family in the most amazing ways.  Her cares...the things she is most careful about...are centered around her family and her very nice home...which she is endeavoring to center in Christ.  She is sharing all of this with Randy and I and so I am being careful to respect this very worthy work (and I don't really miss TV!!  go figure :-)  )

Onward and Upward!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Time to face facts...

I am just not getting the blogging done at night.  I am out too late some

So, Yesterday's word was "conscious.'


1)      Possessing the faculty or power of knowing one’s own thoughts, or mental operations.  Thus, a man is a conscious being.
2)     Knowing from memory, or without extraneous information; as, I am not conscious of the fact.

3)     Knowing by conscience, or internal perception or persuasion; as, I am not conscious of having given any offense. Sometimes followed by “to”; as I am not conscious to myself.

I was conscious of a lot of things yesterday.
     It was very warm.
     My car makes strange sounds and "wabbles" when I am on the freeway AND it has no air conditioning.
     I was the only student in my pottery class...and have been for Dirt Works.
     I had my first pottery class as the official instructor.  Even though there was only one student I helped her make a couple of beautiful bowls...just by sitting next to her and making one of my own.  Taking her through step by step.
     I guess that means that I am conscious of the fact that I am a decent teacher.  :-)  I like that.
     I am conscious of the fact that I am very over weight and that it gets in the way of a lot of good stuff.
     I am conscious of the fact that I have some very awesome children who have very awesome children.
     I am conscious of the fact that God is an amazing artist...every time I look outside or sit outside and just look at the sky...of the trees...or the flowers...or anything.

I think I like being conscious.  I know that this conscious ability can be used to learn more about myself and how I am doing with eternal progression. Some times it takes a very conscious effort to read the scriptures every day, and say my formal prayers at least twice a day.

"A conscious effort"...interesting term. Maybe ALL efforts should be conscious.  Where does it all begin but in our thoughts.  If we aren't in control of our thoughts we can sure get sidetracked often...very often.  Conscious thought keeps us on the track we want to be on.

Onward and Upward!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The word for 26 June (Tuesday) is Connected.
            Connect: v.
1)      To knit or link together; to tie or fasten together, as by something intervening, or by weaving, winding or twining. Hense,
2)     To join or unite; to conjoin, in almost any manner, either by junction, by any intervening means, or by order and relation.  We connect letters and words in a sentence; we connect ideas in the mind;  we connect arguments in a discourse.  The strait of Gibraltar connects the Mediterranean with the Atlantic.  A treaty connects two nations.  The interests of agriculture are connected with those of commerce.  Families are connected by marriage or by friendship.
Connect, v.

            To join, unite or cohere; to have a close relation.  This argument connects with another.

I like the first definition of the knit or link together.

I think of in a close knit family...I also think of a song that I heard Barbra Streisand sing (yes! I love her voice...not necessarily her politics) "Circle"

The Lord gave a commandment that He said would let men know that we are His disciples...Love one another as He loves us.

I don't think we can love and not be connected...most importantly to the Savior...but also to those to whom we show love.  Any act of kindness is a manifestation of our desire to be connected somehow.

I had a moment where I seem to have crushed my little granddaughter.  I gave her a directive but she took it as an arrow to her little heart.  She went away and cried for quite some time.  I just had to do something about that.  I went to her and put my arms around her so that we were connected physically and that spoke calmly with her so that we could connect our hearts.  She understood what I needed from her then and she felt much better.

Connection ... being connected by loving ties is an important thing to mortals.  We NEED to feel connected. If we can't find a sense of connection in a morally uplifting society we seek it in less desirable places. I would rather create a morally pleasing connection (like the power receptacle in the know "the plug") for others to lead them to a connection with the Savior.

That sort of connection calls on all the previous "C" words and all the following "C" words in order to be successful.

Woah!  I really have to stay focused on this.

There seems to be one important connection in my life that I am struggling is very is with my husband.  He is so important to me and I seem to do things so often (even things that I am not aware that I am doing) that cause breaks in the connection...that fray the cable.  I am honestly trying to repair it.

As ever...
Onward and Upward!

Monday, June 24, 2013

As promised ...

Today's word was "constant"...

A really good word that I think I have seriously applied in the last several years.  With all the troubles with my relationship with my husband and with all the troubles that created the troubles with my relationship with my husband...I still stood by him and stayed steady, and constant to my commitment to be his wife.

Constant: a,
1)     Fixed; firm; opposed to fluid.
2)     Fixed; not varied; unchanged; permanent; immutable.
3)     Fixed or firm in mind, purpose, affection or principle; unshaken; unmoved; as a constant friend or lover.

4)     Certain; steady; firmly adherent; with “to”; as a man constant to his purpose, or to his duties.

I know that there are other areas to become constant in.  Like being a homemaker...I watch Bronwen and I am just amazed at how much joy she finds in that.  I know I can do better in that area.

I am fixed in my desire to be a candidate for the highest degree of glory.  I know that I have a LOT to learn but I have it firmly in my mind that my desires, actions, and hopes are for that end.

Constant. Steady.  It's good.

Onward and Upward!

Getting Current (oooh another "C" word *^^*)

Wow!!!  I am experiencing some serious deja vu this morning.
This is a catch up day.  Gotta get current before this thing runs away from me.

21 June 2013 -- the word was Contrite.

Contrite a.,
            To break or bruise; to bruise, rub or wear.
            Literally, worn or bruised. Hense, broken hearted for sin; deeply affected with grief and

sorrow for having offended God; humble; penitent; as a contrite sinner.

It seems like my whole adult life has been spent in this state.  However, I know that one's personal perspective can be viewed through blinders...or like 'seeing through a glass darkly'...and I need to look at myself from another angle.

It never hurts to be sorry for a mistake...for offending anyone...and showing that I am sorry.  If I am truly sorry for making an offense or becoming offended it helps every relationship...especially the one with the Lord.

In think I was able to apply this word to myself.  My husband asked me to make this day's word work because we were going to the temple and he wanted us to have our hearts prepared for a wonderful experience. (Thank you Randy).  We did have a very nice experience.

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22 June 2013 -- the word is Compassionate.

Compassion, n.
1.      Suffering with another; painful sympathy; a sensation of sorrow excited by the distress or misfortunes of another; pity; commiseration.  Compassion is a mixed passion compounded of love and sorrow; at least some portion of love generally attends the pain or regret, or is excited by it.  Extreme distress of an enemy even changes enmity into at least temporary affection.
He, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity.  Ps lxxviii
            Compassion, v:
                        To pity

            Compassionate, a:
                        Having a temper or disposition to pity;  inclined to show mercy; merciful; having a heart

that is tender, and easily moved by the distresses, sufferings, wants and infirmities of others.

This is a word that is already a part of me.  Sometimes the only real help I can give another that I see in distress is a sincere prayer in their behalf...but I always act.

I think this word could be the one that saves me.  I love people...and I love to help if I can.  Sometimes prayer is the best way to help so that I don't mess something up (which has been known to happen).

I love this word.

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23 June 2013 -- the word is Coordinated.

Wow, this one made me laugh...physically I am so NOT coordinated.  Most of the time I am not coordinated mentally either.  So when I looked up what Noah had to say about this word I was totally thrown off balance.

            Coordinate: a, Being of equal order, or of the same rank or degree; not subordinate; as, two
 courts of co-ordinate jurisdiction.

I had to go to Larry's blog for inspiration. She used some good action stuff for her definition.  But since today is Sunday I really didn't do all of that activity.  I did, however, pull out my trusty Noah and my handy-dandy laptop and found his definitions for the rest of the 'C' words in this challenge.

Now that is being coordinated...I am making sure that I have those definitions firm in my mind for the remainder of this 30 day thing...which is 23 more days!  And I share with Bronwen and Randy. So I am helping to keep us coordinated.

It is easy to be that sort of coordinated because physically...well, I use a cane to help me keep my balance. What does that tell ya?

Onward and Upward.....Oh, I will write about today's word tonight, Promise!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

oops...missed a day of blogging...but not learning from the daily word.

I know...I didn't post yesterday.  I had a full day away from home.  But the word was "Clean"... and that helped me to remember to watch my language...even my very thoughts so that I could be clean.

The first things that came to my mind when I saw the word for the day were:
     Isaiah 1:18-19
          'Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow...if ye be willing and obedient.'
    Psalm 24:3-4
           'Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place?  He that hath clean
            hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.'

I  may not always have a full hymn to turn to to keep my thoughts clean...but I do have snippets of scripture and snippets of hymns, and songs to keep myself on track.

Noah Webster says that CLEAN in the primary sense seems to be, to open or to remove, to separate.
And in the general sense, free from extraneous matter, or whatever is injurious or offensive.

The general sense speaks to from whatever is injurious or offensive.  This calls for some serious introspection on my part.  Deep places give me claustrophobia so I think I will attack this a layer at a time and make it more like an archaeological dig.  I can do that and I can be successful in getting the 'stuff' out of the way so my way is unencumbered.

TODAY!!  The watch-word is 'COMPOSED'.

I LOVE this word.  It means my favorite word...SERENE.  It is my dream word.  My ultimate goal.  I love that I get to practice.  I think I managed fairly well...of course the day is only half over.  But I think I can do it.

I love to read Randy's and Bronwen's blogs.  And I just read through Larry Anne's blog.  Wow. She is sure serious about this.  I like it.

I lost my composure tonight with my hubby.  I guess that in order to keep my composure and be composed at all times I need to lose all the buttons that he just seems to  love to push.  I'll get there.

Onward and Upward!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

New Word for Tuesday.

New word:

Oh, boy!  This one is full of challenges for me.  Stuff I have been trying to master for eons of time.

I am just going to enter Noah's definitions...highlighting the ones that hit me where I live at this moment in time. They may seem funny to you but they are full of meaning for me.

Clear: adjective
          1- Open; free from obstruction; as a clear plat of ground; the way is clear.
          2- Free from clouds, or fog;  serene; as a clear day. [Serene...Clear or fair...calm; unruffled;
               undisturbed...bright.  This is my ultimate that all of interactions are as a true Lady. Kind,
              calm, and loving].
          3- Free from foreign matter; unmixed; pure; as clear water; clear sand; clear air; clear glass.
          4- Free from anything that creates doubt or uncertainty; apparent; evident; manifest; not obscure;
               conspicuous; that is, open to the mind; as, the reason is clear.
          5- Unclouded; luminous; not obscured; as a clear sun; a clear shining after a rain. (2 Sam xxiii)
          6- Unobstructed; un-obscured; as a clear view.
          7- Perspicacious [quick sighted; sharp of sight. 2- of acute discernment]; sharp; as a clear sight.
          8- Not clouded with care, or ruffled by passion; cheerful; serene; as, a clear aspect.
          9- Evident; undeniable; indisputable; as the victory was clear.
        10- Quick to understand; prompt; acute.
        11- Free from guilt or blame; innocent; un-spotted; irreproachable.
        12- Free from bias; un-prepossessed; not preoccupied; impartial; as a clear judgement.
        13- Free from debt, or obligation; not liable to prosecution; as, to be clear of debt or responsibility.
        14- Free from deductions, or charges; as, clear gain or profit.
        15- Not entangled; unembarrassed; free; as, the cable is clear. A ship is clear when she is so remote
              from shore or other object, as to be out of danger of striking, or to have sea room sufficient.
       16- Open; distinct; not jarring, or harsh; as a clear sound; a clear voice.
       17- Liberated; freed; acquitted of charges. [this sounds like the atonement to me.]
       18- Free from spots or any thing that disfigures; as a clear skin.
Clear: adverb
        1- plainly; not obscurely; manifestly.
        2- Clean; quite; entirely; wholly; indicating entire separation; as to cut a piece clear off; to go clear
             away; but in this sense its use is not elegant.
        3- To free from anything noxious or injurious; as, to clear the ocean of pirates; to clear the land of
             enemies.  [or to clear your heart of all ungodliness?]
        4- To remove any incumbrance, or or embarrassment; often followed by off or away; as, to clear off
            debts; to clear away rubbish.
        5- To free; to liberate, or disengage; to exonerate; as, to clear a man from debt, obligation, or duty.
        6- To cleanse; as to clear the hands from filth; to clear the bowels. ['He that hath clean hands a pure
        7- To remove anything that obscures, as clouds or fog; to make bright; as, to clear the sky; sometimes
             followed by up.
        8- To free from obscurity, perplexity or ambiguity; as to clear a question or theory; to clear up a
             case or point.
        9- To purge from the imputation of guilt; to justify or vindicate. [this also sounds like the atonement
             to me].
       10- In a legal sense, to acquit on trial, by verdict; as, the prisoner has been tried and cleared.
       11- to make gain of profit, beyond all expenses and charges; as, to clear ten percent by a sale of
             goods, or by a voyage.
       12- To remove wood from land; to cut down trees, remove or burn them, and prepare land for tillage or
             pasture; as, to clear land for wheat.

Clear: verb
       1- To become free from clouds or fog; to become fair; often followed by up, off or away; as, the sky
            clears; the weather clears up; it clears away; it clears off.
       2- To be disengaged from incumbrances, distress or entanglements; to become free or 

Okay. Well... This is a LOT of stuff to work with.  But there is so much that is profound.

The thoughts that hit me the most are the ones that I stuck inside [ ].  I know that for me there is a lot of repentance that needs happen for me to become as clear as I would like to be.  But I also know that I can work to clear my mind of all the useless worry and fretting that happens in that great I can fill it with more truly important 'stuff'.  I really am trying to become more like my Savior.  He was very clear about his mission in life and what was important in the long run.

I wish I really had a week ... more like a year... to work on this one.  I guess awareness is the beginning of all change and growth.  Let's see how this day goes.

Onward and Upward!
After sleeping on last night's experience the though occurred to me to look at my Patriarchal Blessing.  There is good stuff to be found there.  Stuff we often overlook because we don't read that "scripture" often enough.

Another thought came to me-- the session we had is very helpful in all forms of management -- whether it is Motherhood
      Mate Selection
            Job Related Management
It helps you discover who is best for a responsibility, and what experiences will help someone grow in a given area so that it will become a strength.

I know...I should have thought about this years ago but I am learning it now :)

This year's resolution is to find the good in people and experiences.  So far I have only done fair...I am reaching for Excellent.

Now to Today's Word!

Contained.  When I first saw it I wondered -- "How can this apply?" So I went to my 'American Dictionary of the English Language' compiled my Noah Webster in 1828 for the definition and this is what he says:

Contained: Held; comprehended; *comprised; included; inclosed.

Well that didn't seem to help me much at the moment so I looked up the word Contain.

To Contain:1) to hold, as a vessel; as, the vessel contains a gallon. Hence, to have capacity; to be able to hold, applied to an empty vessel.
            2) to comprehend; to hold within specified limits.
Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee.
 1 Kings viii.
                        4) To hold within limits prescribed; to restrain; to withhold from trespass or disorder.
                                    The King’s person contains the unruly people from evil occasions.
5) To include.  This article is not contained in the account.  This number does
 not contain the article specified.
                        6) To inclose; as, this cover or envelop contains a letter.
              Contain:  To live in continence or chastity.
            *comprised= comprehended, contained
Now that helped a lot. So today I work on being contained.  Which is to hold within specified limits.

I am applying this to my overall goal in life which is that 'All of my actions glorify God.'

So passions should be bridled. (I always think of the Royal Lipizzan Stallions when I hear to bridle my passions).

My will set aside to make room for God's will.

Now it is evening...

My day didn't challenge me much -- but my husband said that I lost it a couple of times when I was talking with him on the phone -- so I guess I need to work harder on this one.

Tomorrow is another word...

Onward and Upward!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

I sat with my husband, Randy, and my daughter, Bronwen, tonight and we listed one anothers' strengths as we each see them in the other.  It was very interesting and gave each of us food for thought.

We made the rule that you can't cringe, or make comments other than "thank you."  We had to have a spirit of gratitude...because otherwise we were just calling each other liars...and THAT is not what the whole exercise is about.

It is very one some hope...  I guess because we see our own weaknesses so clearly...well, I see mine so clearly anyway.  I will really cherish this list and work on really living up to it.

This is going to be an interesting challenge because I sat with an 1828 dictionary defining some of the words we will be working on.  I think it will be interesting to see what definitions the challengers have for these words.

Onward and Upward!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Wow!!  My first ever blog!!  I feel so insecure.  I know that will pass.  I am so happy to know that that will pass. :)

This particular blog is inspired by my daughter, Bronwen, and her friend (our friend) Larry Anne. It is all about becoming.  I am always happy to become...especially if it is something better.

So we have been issued a challenge.  A 90 day challenge which begins with writing down my strengths and weaknesses.  What!?!  I have strengths?!  Who knew?

The weaknesses are the same ones that I have been working on my entire life...55+ years.  I know that a lesson is repeated until it is learned...Come ON Tari, get with it. I am hoping that this challenge and being around people who are also working this challenge will help me FINALLY learn them and move on.

Onward and Upward!!