Monday, June 24, 2013

Getting Current (oooh another "C" word *^^*)

Wow!!!  I am experiencing some serious deja vu this morning.
This is a catch up day.  Gotta get current before this thing runs away from me.

21 June 2013 -- the word was Contrite.

Contrite a.,
            To break or bruise; to bruise, rub or wear.
            Literally, worn or bruised. Hense, broken hearted for sin; deeply affected with grief and

sorrow for having offended God; humble; penitent; as a contrite sinner.

It seems like my whole adult life has been spent in this state.  However, I know that one's personal perspective can be viewed through blinders...or like 'seeing through a glass darkly'...and I need to look at myself from another angle.

It never hurts to be sorry for a mistake...for offending anyone...and showing that I am sorry.  If I am truly sorry for making an offense or becoming offended it helps every relationship...especially the one with the Lord.

In think I was able to apply this word to myself.  My husband asked me to make this day's word work because we were going to the temple and he wanted us to have our hearts prepared for a wonderful experience. (Thank you Randy).  We did have a very nice experience.

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22 June 2013 -- the word is Compassionate.

Compassion, n.
1.      Suffering with another; painful sympathy; a sensation of sorrow excited by the distress or misfortunes of another; pity; commiseration.  Compassion is a mixed passion compounded of love and sorrow; at least some portion of love generally attends the pain or regret, or is excited by it.  Extreme distress of an enemy even changes enmity into at least temporary affection.
He, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity.  Ps lxxviii
            Compassion, v:
                        To pity

            Compassionate, a:
                        Having a temper or disposition to pity;  inclined to show mercy; merciful; having a heart

that is tender, and easily moved by the distresses, sufferings, wants and infirmities of others.

This is a word that is already a part of me.  Sometimes the only real help I can give another that I see in distress is a sincere prayer in their behalf...but I always act.

I think this word could be the one that saves me.  I love people...and I love to help if I can.  Sometimes prayer is the best way to help so that I don't mess something up (which has been known to happen).

I love this word.

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23 June 2013 -- the word is Coordinated.

Wow, this one made me laugh...physically I am so NOT coordinated.  Most of the time I am not coordinated mentally either.  So when I looked up what Noah had to say about this word I was totally thrown off balance.

            Coordinate: a, Being of equal order, or of the same rank or degree; not subordinate; as, two
 courts of co-ordinate jurisdiction.

I had to go to Larry's blog for inspiration. She used some good action stuff for her definition.  But since today is Sunday I really didn't do all of that activity.  I did, however, pull out my trusty Noah and my handy-dandy laptop and found his definitions for the rest of the 'C' words in this challenge.

Now that is being coordinated...I am making sure that I have those definitions firm in my mind for the remainder of this 30 day thing...which is 23 more days!  And I share with Bronwen and Randy. So I am helping to keep us coordinated.

It is easy to be that sort of coordinated because physically...well, I use a cane to help me keep my balance. What does that tell ya?

Onward and Upward.....Oh, I will write about today's word tonight, Promise!

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