Tuesday, June 18, 2013

After sleeping on last night's experience the though occurred to me to look at my Patriarchal Blessing.  There is good stuff to be found there.  Stuff we often overlook because we don't read that "scripture" often enough.

Another thought came to me-- the session we had is very helpful in all forms of management -- whether it is Motherhood
      Mate Selection
            Job Related Management
It helps you discover who is best for a responsibility, and what experiences will help someone grow in a given area so that it will become a strength.

I know...I should have thought about this years ago but I am learning it now :)

This year's resolution is to find the good in people and experiences.  So far I have only done fair...I am reaching for Excellent.

Now to Today's Word!

Contained.  When I first saw it I wondered -- "How can this apply?" So I went to my 'American Dictionary of the English Language' compiled my Noah Webster in 1828 for the definition and this is what he says:

Contained: Held; comprehended; *comprised; included; inclosed.

Well that didn't seem to help me much at the moment so I looked up the word Contain.

To Contain:1) to hold, as a vessel; as, the vessel contains a gallon. Hence, to have capacity; to be able to hold, applied to an empty vessel.
            2) to comprehend; to hold within specified limits.
Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee.
 1 Kings viii.
                        4) To hold within limits prescribed; to restrain; to withhold from trespass or disorder.
                                    The King’s person contains the unruly people from evil occasions.
5) To include.  This article is not contained in the account.  This number does
 not contain the article specified.
                        6) To inclose; as, this cover or envelop contains a letter.
              Contain:  To live in continence or chastity.
            *comprised= comprehended, contained
Now that helped a lot. So today I work on being contained.  Which is to hold within specified limits.

I am applying this to my overall goal in life which is that 'All of my actions glorify God.'

So passions should be bridled. (I always think of the Royal Lipizzan Stallions when I hear to bridle my passions).

My will set aside to make room for God's will.

Now it is evening...

My day didn't challenge me much -- but my husband said that I lost it a couple of times when I was talking with him on the phone -- so I guess I need to work harder on this one.

Tomorrow is another word...

Onward and Upward!

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