New word:
Oh, boy! This one is full of challenges for me. Stuff I have been trying to master for eons of time.
I am just going to enter Noah's definitions...highlighting the ones that hit me where I live at this moment in time. They may seem funny to you but they are full of meaning for me.
Clear: adjective
1- Open; free from obstruction; as a clear plat of ground; the way is clear.
2- Free from clouds, or fog; serene; as a clear day. [Serene...Clear or fair...calm; unruffled;
undisturbed...bright. This is my ultimate that all of interactions are as a true Lady. Kind,
calm, and loving].
3- Free from foreign matter; unmixed; pure; as clear water; clear sand; clear air; clear glass.
4- Free from anything that creates doubt or uncertainty; apparent; evident; manifest; not obscure;
conspicuous; that is, open to the mind; as, the reason is clear.
5- Unclouded; luminous; not obscured; as a clear sun; a clear shining after a rain. (2 Sam xxiii)
6- Unobstructed; un-obscured; as a clear view.
7- Perspicacious [quick sighted; sharp of sight. 2- of acute discernment]; sharp; as a clear sight.
8- Not clouded with care, or ruffled by passion; cheerful; serene; as, a clear aspect.
9- Evident; undeniable; indisputable; as the victory was clear.
10- Quick to understand; prompt; acute.
11- Free from guilt or blame; innocent; un-spotted; irreproachable.
12- Free from bias; un-prepossessed; not preoccupied; impartial; as a clear judgement.
13- Free from debt, or obligation; not liable to prosecution; as, to be clear of debt or responsibility.
14- Free from deductions, or charges; as, clear gain or profit.
15- Not entangled; unembarrassed; free; as, the cable is clear. A ship is clear when she is so remote
from shore or other object, as to be out of danger of striking, or to have sea room sufficient.
16- Open; distinct; not jarring, or harsh; as a clear sound; a clear voice.
17- Liberated; freed; acquitted of charges. [this sounds like the atonement to me.]
18- Free from spots or any thing that disfigures; as a clear skin.
Clear: adverb
1- plainly; not obscurely; manifestly.
2- Clean; quite; entirely; wholly; indicating entire separation; as to cut a piece clear off; to go clear
away; but in this sense its use is not elegant.
3- To free from anything noxious or injurious; as, to clear the ocean of pirates; to clear the land of
enemies. [or to clear your heart of all ungodliness?]
4- To remove any incumbrance, or or embarrassment; often followed by off or away; as, to clear off
debts; to clear away rubbish.
5- To free; to liberate, or disengage; to exonerate; as, to clear a man from debt, obligation, or duty.
6- To cleanse; as to clear the hands from filth; to clear the bowels. ['He that hath clean hands a pure
7- To remove anything that obscures, as clouds or fog; to make bright; as, to clear the sky; sometimes
followed by up.
8- To free from obscurity, perplexity or ambiguity; as to clear a question or theory; to clear up a
case or point.
9- To purge from the imputation of guilt; to justify or vindicate. [this also sounds like the atonement
to me].
10- In a legal sense, to acquit on trial, by verdict; as, the prisoner has been tried and cleared.
11- to make gain of profit, beyond all expenses and charges; as, to clear ten percent by a sale of
goods, or by a voyage.
12- To remove wood from land; to cut down trees, remove or burn them, and prepare land for tillage or
pasture; as, to clear land for wheat.
Clear: verb
1- To become free from clouds or fog; to become fair; often followed by up, off or away; as, the sky
clears; the weather clears up; it clears away; it clears off.
2- To be disengaged from incumbrances, distress or entanglements; to become free or
Okay. Well... This is a LOT of stuff to work with. But there is so much that is profound.
The thoughts that hit me the most are the ones that I stuck inside [ ]. I know that for me there is a lot of repentance that needs happen for me to become as clear as I would like to be. But I also know that I can work to clear my mind of all the useless worry and fretting that happens in that great I can fill it with more truly important 'stuff'. I really am trying to become more like my Savior. He was very clear about his mission in life and what was important in the long run.
I wish I really had a week ... more like a year... to work on this one. I guess awareness is the beginning of all change and growth. Let's see how this day goes.
Onward and Upward!
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