Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The 'E' Words begin...

Okay, I admit it, I am a coward.  Yep...this part of the 90 day challenge scares me. Work scares me...I am a frustrated perfectionist...Let me rephrase that...I have been a frustrated perfectionist. If I don't think that I can do a thing perfectly then I just don't want to give it the effort at all.  Well, ... I think that needs to change.

The introductory word for the 'E' word series is Execute.  Very apropo.

Execute:      to follow
1.           Literally, to follow out or through.  Hence, to perform; to do; to effect; to carry into complete effect; to complete; to finish.
2.       To perform; to inflict; as, to execute judgment or vengeance.
3.        To carry into effect; as, to execute law or justice.
4.        To carry into effect the law, or the judgment or sentence on a person; to inflict capital punishment on; to put to death; as, to execute a traitor.
5.        To kill.
6.       To complete, as a legal instrument; to perform what is required to give validity to a writing, as by signing and sealing; as, to execute a deed or lease.

** To perform the proper office; to produce an effect.

So, it is my mission to search out and execute the traitorous characteristics of my being and make room for the wonderously amazing woman hiding in my soul...beginning with the frustrated perfectionist.

If I haven't learned anything else from my sojourn into pottery I have learned that once I throw that clay down onto the wheel (you have to throw it down so it sticks) it can become anything...even if it ends up being something other than what I intended at the outset.  And just because it doesn't turn out to be what my first idea was doesn't mean it isn't something useful and beautiful.  I gave up throwing things out early on...because the pieces had such potential to be serious or whimsical...so I end up with a bowl instead of a mug...of a large vase instead of a pitcher...or a pitcher instead of a bowl...I still have something wonderful.

The 'frustrated' part of the perfectionist is going away.  The perfectionist can remain...there is a place for her...she just has to understand that it is a destination requiring a process...you know, the refiner's fire and all that.

So with all this in mind...I may take more than a day on each of these next 30 words... which makes this challenge more than 90 days for me,but that's okay... because I want to make them a part of me...I want to effect change...I want to sculpt a thing of beauty and strength.  It really only needs to please me and God...if it does that...the 2 of us together...I will be pleased.

Onward and Upward!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Cultivated was the Last C word on the list.

Now we begin the "E" words.  I am behind.  I should be on the third word today but I am having a brain cramp.

The C words were fun because I could just observe the day and see how things were going...sort of glancing at myself.  But these E words are demanding more of me.  I have to take out the tools and DO something.

I am stepping back for a minute and writing down a plan.  I will post that and then get busy...seriously.  I want to excel with this challenge.  The follow through is very important to me.

Onward and Upward!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tuesday's Watch Word - - Cultivated


1)     Tilled; improved in excellence or condition; corrected and enlarged; cherished; meliorated; civilized; produced by tillage.

When I saw today's word all I could think about was how the ground must feel when a farmer drives over it with a huge tractor pulling a cultivator...a huge contraption that has rows and rows of tines that dig in and turn over the soil making it fit for planting. Home gardeners usually use a hoe or a walk-behind tiller...farmers use big tractors and big cultivators.

As I woke with a tummy ache yesterday I really felt like I empathized with the earth. When my husband sent me a text saying, "How is your day going? Are you well cultivated?" my reply was, "I feel thoroughly dug up and churned."  He asked me if that was good and my response was, "Is it good in farming?"

On a more serious note though...I believe this 90 day challenge is all about cultivation. Doing the prep work for planting good thoughts and habits that will take us to our ultimate goal.  We each have our own idea of what our crop will be...whether temporal or spiritual or both. The first time we go through this 90 day challenge is all about cultivation. The next time it will be all about planting. And the next time will be all about weeding the rows and watering and feeding the crop.  Sometimes that has to be done many times before the harvest. And then!...the harvest.  Sometimes we can even sneak in and grab out a goodie that is ripe before the rest and really enjoy it with enthusiasm because of the promise it represents of a marvelous harvest.  And when the harvest is done....guess what!!?! We get to start again!!

Onward and Upward!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sunday's Watch Word - - Collected Monday's Watch Word - - Colorful

1)     Gathered; assembled; congregated; drawn together.

2)  Recovered from surprise or dismay; not disconcerted; cool; firm; prepared.

Went to church today. What a good day for this word, right!?!  It is kind of fun to get settled into a new congregation...getting a chance to find your niche in a new group of people.

There was this cute baby who's mother sat next to me during a class...he was asleep when they sat down but soon I noticed this tiny 9 month old baby boy just gazing at me, leaning toward me but still on his mother's shoulder.  Soon his little hand was on my arm...gently resting.  I smiled at him and he reached for me and climbed into my lap before I knew what was happening.  He was so charming.  He had surely 'collected' me. :-)

I have had a lot of experiences in the last few years that have given me opportunity to exercise this word in my life.  I am not sure how well I have done with it I just know that I try.  I think the sayings, "Bloom where you're planted" - "Play the hand you're dealt" - "Go with the flow" -- and such, are trying to help the mindset of the second definition for the word Collected.  Many things happen that can just shatter a person's wits and scatter the pieces across the universe sometimes.  I think having a center helps to call the pieces back.  That center for me is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  

Knowing that there is a purpose to my life and a firm and worthy goal helps me to gather all the pieces together, make a new plan, and maybe even repent away the pieces that helped to cause the problems that fractured my wits in the first place.

"Collected" is a word that helps to get to my goal of Serenity.  

One can't fly into a rage, or melt-down and be 'collected' at the same time.  It is one or the other and it is a choice that has to be made in a fraction of a fraction of a second. (No, that is not a typo). 

Monday's Watch Word - -
Noah doesn't have the word in his 1828 dictionary.

Full of interest, lively and exciting.

This is an interesting word for this project. I immediately went to language when I first saw it...you know how you say, "He used rather...colorful...language" when you are really meaning 'foul language.'

Then I thought of eccentric.  There are people who just seem to live in their own little world and really don't give much credence to what is 'fashionable.'  I think those people are 'colorful'...like the Unsinkable Molly Brown.

I think it is possible to have a certain serenity and be colorful as well.  The lively and exciting part of the definition is my challenge.  :-)  I am so full of interests that I drive my family crazy ... because I have to collect stuff in order to allow myself to follow through on all those interests....oh, wait, I am thinking this is not really what this definition means...sorry  ;-)

But really, to be interesting, in my mind means that you know how to be interested in others.  I find that when I learn something about a lot of things I can carry on a conversation with just about anyone.  I think it is because I know just enough to be able to ask a good question now and again.  I like that.

Still working on this 'colorful' thing.

Onward and Upward!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friday's Watch Word - - Considerate Saturday's Watch Word - - Calm

1)     Given to consideration, or to sober reflection; thoughtful; hence, serious; circumspect; careful; discreet; prudent; not hasty or rash; not negligent.
2)  Having respect to; regardful; as, considerate of praise.

3)  Moderate; not rigorous.

This word means more than we give it credit for these days.  We call "rude" "inconsiderate"  and that is true but that isn't even half of the real meaning.

I like this word because it gives me permission to take time to think about things before I say anything...even in a conversation where the other person just wants to talk out of passion.  To be considerate is to put a bridle on the passion and speak/act with care (remember "careful"?)

During the rough time of what I call Randy's 'walk-about' I learned to use this skill and it saved me having to eat a lot of potentially unpleasant 'crow'.

This gives the Holy Ghost time to help us say/do just the right thing for the situation.  I am so grateful.  I wish I had employed it more when I 'vented' about some things.  Alas, hindsight is 20/20...and repentance is hard at times.

I read a story the other day about a boy who had a temper and said mean and hurtful things a lot.  His father set his a task of pounding a nail in the fence every time he got upset instead of saying hurtful things. As time passed he stopped saying hurtful things so much and his father had him remove the nails from the fence. Then the father took his son to the fence and showed him the holes that were left.  He pointed out that our words can affect others in such a way that the hurt is very difficult to heal. He said that his son should think of the fence every time the urge to be hurtful arose.

That was a great lesson to me.  Considerate...take time to think about it before you say it or do it.  How will it affect/effect others or the situation?

Saturday's Watch Word - - Calm

Today was a fun day.  We were invited to a birthday party for one of our little 'princesses'.  I loved watching Cara hustle about and take care of all the things that needed doing...calmly enlisting assistance where she needed it.  I wonder if the calm was only on the surface...

There were 10 little girls invited, and the mothers and grandmothers and great grandmothers, and the various aged brothers and cousins.

Cara was so busy and so happy.  She is an inspiration. Even with the wind blowing and the lightning just before the set up and the launch of the little tea party...using Shayla's little plastic tea sets with princesses (Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, Belle, Ariel)...when the time came to begin the wind died down and the sun came out and we had a lovely time.  When the tables were all put away and the last guest left the sky clouded over and the sky said, "Okay, my turn now."

1)     Still; quiet; being at rest; as the air. Hence not stormy or tempestuous.
2)  Undisturbed; not agitated; as a calm sea.
3)  Undisturbed by passion; not agitated or excited; quiet; tranquil; as the mind, temper or attention.
Calm: noun

1)     Stillness; tranquility; quiet; freedom  from motion, agitation, or disturbance.

My aunt is dying.  She wants to die.  She has cancer and has opted out on any treatment toward cure or relief...hospice has been called in.  She is tired of the battle she has been fighting for several years now and just wants to "go home."  She is totally at peace with it. And so are her sisters.  I don't know that I am...but it is not my place to decide things for her. I love her and will do my best to be at peace with her decision.

So, I employ Consideration and Calm today.

Onward and Upward!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Today's Watch Word - - Communicative

1)     Inclined to communicate; ready to impart to others.  In the sense of liberal of benefits, though legitimate, it is little used.

2)  Disposed to impart or disclose, as knowledge, opinions, or facts; free to communicate; not reserved.
Ha ha ha.  This is a good one.  I am usually very communicative.  My husband says I always say too much...except to him.  With him I tend to clam up.  I don't know why.

I love to share my opinions and what little knowledge I have.  I can strike up a conversation with strangers in the grocery line...my husband doesn't like to do that...it's fun.  I have to admit though, that I do need to keep a reign on the tongue ... what I say.  I tend to be an open book and my husband is from the restricted section of the library.  I have to learn to respect his privacy where it connected to my enthusiasm.

I know that I have situations where I hope I am communicating the most helpful information I can.  Especially in the classes that I teach in pottery, and with Visiting Teaching, etc. These are areas where I love to share.

The area that I lack good communication is prayer.  Sometimes I just don't know how to say what I mean when I pray...BUT I am learning.

Onward and Upward!

Wednesday's Watch Word - - Captivating

1)        Taking prisoner; engaging the affections.

2)   Having power to engage the affections.

This word makes me think of my two infant grandsons.  When they smile at me...goodness! I am lost in them.  My heart fills up to where it feels like it will burst...and I think so what if it does...it is just love that will get all over everything.

I think friendships are made this way.  "Having the power" is not a negative thing...well it doesn't have to be, because we all know that any gift can be abused. I think it is 'power' that Christ has to draw us to Him.

I am not drawn to anyone who is cruel or self-centered.  My affections are freely given to those who are kind, full of care, interested and interesting.

My Patriarchal Blessing talks about being and example of Christian virtues.  Do you know that I don't even really know what those are?  Is that sad or what?  I have done some research but haven't come to any conclusions that speak to me about this.  I am full of hope that this 90 day challenge is helping me to become a better example even if I don't know the names of those virtues.  I only bring this up because I sense that those virtues are a key to how we use this power to captivate.

I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone but me but there it is...

Onward and Upward!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Monday's Watch Word - - Content; Tuesday's Watch Word - - Curious

Content: a.
 Literally, held, contained within limits: hence quiet; not disturbed; having a mind at peace; easy;
 satisfied, so as not to repine, object or oppose.
Content: v.
1)     To satisfy the mind; to make quiet, so as to stop complaint or opposition; to appease;
              To make easy in any situation.
2)  To please or gratify
Content: n
1)        Rest or quietness of the mind in the present condition; satisfaction which holds the mind in peace, restraining complaint, opposition, or further desire, and often implying a moderate degree of happiness.
2)   Acquiescence; satisfaction without examination.

3)    The term used in the House of Lords in England, to express an assent to a bill or motion.

This word is a serious challenge for me.  It seems that I can almost always find something to complain about. Oh, that is just so sad! So Laman and Lemuel!  Blah...I don't like those guys!!!

So...what to do, what to do.

I think contentment comes with understanding that this life is all about being tested, tempered, strengthened.  That is the purpose of mortality.  When a person can come to grips with that...the simple fact that we draw breath in order to become more...then one can be content knowing that there is a very good reason for every single challenge that arises.  Every bump in the road becomes 'fun' rather than 'annoying.'

Okay so 'fun' is stretching it a bit.  But the way the bump is handled makes all the difference to meaningful growth.

I went through some serious challenges not too long ago...challenges that had those I love pitted against those I love.  What a difference it would have made to everyone if I had truly been content to leave the Lord in charge and allowed that peace to come to my heart. I think my whining and complaining caused more damage than was ever necessary.  The Lord could have worked it all out so much better.  But now there is a rift...a chasm ... between people who are supposed to be supportive and loving with each other.

I am struggling with this one. Talk about needing time to repent!  I am processing this one as I move forward.

There are areas where I find contentment.  I am happily content with the way things are moving forward in my marriage...Not to the point of complacency because I have a lot of work to do on myself, but I am happier about a lot of things now.  It helps to have a common activity.

'Content' is a worthy goal.

Tuesday's Word - - Curious

1)     Strongly desirous to see what is novel, or to discover what is unknown; solicitous to see or to know; inquisitive.
2)  Habitually inquisitive; addicted to research or enquiry; as a man of a curious turn of mind; sometimes followed by after, and sometimes by of.
3)  Accurate; careful not to mistake; solicitous to be correct.
4)  Careful; nice; solicitous in selection; difficult to please.
5)  Nice; exact subtile (subtle); made with care.
6)  Artful, nicely diligent.
7)  Wrought with care and art; elegant; neat; finished; as a curious girdle; curious work.
8)  Requiring care and nicety; as curious arts.
9)  Rigid; severe; particular.

10) Rare; singular; as a curious fact.

I like this word.  I think it describes me.  I must be part feline because I want to know!  Just know.  I don't even ever have to do anything with what I learn...I just want to know.  I collect books...mostly 'how to' books...because I want to know how it is done.  I even have math books because I imagine that I can get passed the block I have had about that subject and know how to do it. I took a computer programming course from a friend because I want to know how it is done. (didn't stick it out...but I sure have a new appreciation for those who are really good at it)

Curious...is it possible that it is also a synonym for 'peculiar?'  Now, see, I can wrap my head around that one too. Peculiar...as in 'a peculiar people'...different from the rest of the 'world'...a curiosity...a curiosity 'wrought with care and art, elegant, neat, finished.'  I can live with that...although I know that I am far from finished..."rare, singular."...even better.

Onward and Upward!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Saturday's Watch Word - - Changeable Sunday's Watch Word - - Comely

1)        That may change; subject to alteration; fickle; inconstant; mutable; variable; as a person of changeable mind.

2)   Having the quality of suffering alteration of external appearance; as changeable silk.

I tried to think of this word as negative but just couldn't in light of this challenge.  "That may change; subject to alteration..."  I quite like that.  It means that I can change something about myself.  That I can become more, even better.  It means that the atonement works.

This challenge is all about this concept...principle even.

I can change the way I handle any given situation in my life.  I can change who I hang out with.  I can change how I feel about things.  I can change how I react to things...I can change that I react to things and choose to act instead.  I can choose what I think...what I say...or not say...

I think the point is sufficiently clear.  Being changeable can be a really good thing.

1)     The sense of suitableness is often from meeting, coming together, whence adjusting, putting in order.
Properly, becoming; suitable; whence, handsome; graceful
2)  Decent; suitable; proper; becoming; suited to time, place, circumstances or persons.

   Comely:  handsomely; gracefully.

Ah...another good word.  It goes hand in hand with 'changeable' as it is to become suitable.

Now that is another thought provoking concept.  It makes me think of being suitable for the Celestial Kingdom. It suggests to me that by making the right choices, being in the right places, doing the right things, saying the right things ... for all the right reasons ... I can become suitable for whatever the Lord has in store for me.

I also like the synonyms for the word...handsomely, gracefully.  It suggests to me that life can be handled in a graceful...even gracious...way.

All this really is 'putting [myself] in order' for the reaching of my ultimate goal.

Yep, I like the word 'comely.'

Onward and Upward!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Today's Watch Word - - Classic

Classic: [ this definition was not found in Noah’s 1828 dictionary but rather googled.]



Judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind.
A work of art of recognized and established value.
classical - standard

Another scary word for me.  "Classic."

It makes me think of classical music, classical literature...even Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy Onasis.......but Tari?  Not even.

If I look a little deeper I can think of ways I would like to be "classic."  For example...I would like to have the ability to cast my eyes down to cover the fire in them over an injustice spoken in my presence so that I could ponder what to do or say about it in a more calm and composed way.  I think that would demonstrate "class", or strength of character.  I don't want to be known as a hot-head, or an air-head, rather as someone who keeps her head and acts with composure and grace.

Hmmmm...I think I have just defined a 'Classic' character trait that can be ...
Judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind.
I think I can live with that...  ...  and reach for that, among other good qualities.

Onward and Upward!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Today's Watch Word is - - 'Charismatic'

Charismatic:  (Replaces Charming)
Noah doesn’t have the word in his 1828 dictionary
Found this definition on the internet:
Exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others.

1)        Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.

2)   A divinely conferred power or talent.

Hmmm... ... ... The other day a person said to me, "You always were devious."  I didn't like that at all.  I even tried really hard to be offended...until that person said, "That word does NOT have to be negative, Tari."

Well, I looked it up..."showing skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals."  Then I no longer had to try to be offended. ;-)  I pondered that word for awhile and then came to wonder if one uses "the feminine art of persuasion" to coax another to accomplish something...is that 'devious' or 'charismatic'?  I guess I am still pondering that.

I also got to thinking about the second definition there...of 'charisma'...if this power or talent can be divinely conferred, should we be praying for it?  So that we can help our families, and loved ones, and neighbors, etc., be the best they can be.  I guess David, in the Old Testament, had that gift/talent.  Well, until he blew it with Bathsheba anyway. (How sad is that?)

I would love to have that gift...it would require a lot of self-discipline to keep from abusing it.  I think the abuse is where it becomes "devious"...

I never want to be devious...not even referred to as being devious.  I don't think that way.  I always wonder how someone can use the emotions of others to get what they want out of them...I prefer to be truthful and sharing.  Others can follow me if they like the way I live my life.  And by 'follow' I mean that they can join is association with me and chose to live by the principles that I do because they see that it is good and right and uplifting.

Does this follow the meaning of 'charismatic?'

Happy 4th of July!!
Onward and Upward!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Just a note about yesterday's word (cooperative)

I have been thinking about that word... co-operative.  Meaning "operating jointly to the same end."
I don't have a 'business' partner but I have a partner in life and we are going about the 'business' of becoming a celestial partnership. (Wow, that sure caused a sudden shift in my thinking).

I know that I am probably the weakest link in anything that requires cooperation.  So what do I need to overcome in order to become more cooperative?  I need to overcome impatience, allowing myself to be easily irritated at interruptions and what I perceive as in-attentiveness (you know, where you have to repeat yourself several times in several different ways until the other person 'gets' it), and shear and utter laziness.

I think that would help a LOT.  All those things have to do with another "C" word - - Charity.  And the good book says if I don't have that I am NOTHING...I don't like that because I am seriously working on becoming SOMETHING special.

I know that my wonderful 'partner' is a lot better at becoming than I am.  At least I see it in him. He amazes me.  I am  thankful for him.  He sure pushes ALL of my buttons (good ones and bad ones).  I guess this challenge will help me eliminate the bad ones so I am more friendly.

It is okay with me that others read my thought through this process...someone may have similar weaknesses and can give me a little insight to how to make adjustments.  Someone may have the same issues and say, 'well, if she can try so can I.'  So I offer my thoughts in the spirit of cooperation and pray for forgiveness from the readers for my profound human weaknesses.

Today's word is COMPLETED....It really makes me laugh, sigh, drop my jaw,...How in the world will that apply to me or my life if I am so busy trying to just be cooperative, concise, confident...well, the key word is 'becoming'...how can 'becoming' ever really be completed?

As Ever...
Onward and Upward!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday's Watch Word - - 'Cooperative'


  Operating jointly to the same end.

Isn't that the definition of Marriage? or Partnership? or Team? or Community (oo another 'C' word)? of Zion (aside from being the pure in heart)?

Could it also have something to do with Charity (oh! another 'C' word).

Am I cooperative? I have a lot of really good moments and some just plain anti-social moments when I do NOT want to cooperate.  My husband will attest to that. I tend to dig my heels in when I feel coerced or ordered.  I find that I am much more cooperative when I am asked or invited.  My, my, my...what a lesson to me.  Holding up the mirror can be painful.  I guess I had better get on the stick about being more "inviting" rather that a drill sergeant.

Cooperative...I will practice this one today.  I think my birthday is a good day to be cooperative. :-)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Sunday 30 June Watch Word -- 'Confident' Monday 1 July Watch Word - - 'Concise'

hmmm...'confident'...not normally a word I associate with myself.  Truthfully, I just don't think about myself as 'confident'...

1)     Having full belief; trusting; relying; fully assured.
2)  Positive; dogmatical; as a confident talker.
3)  Trusting; without suspicion.
4)  Bold to a vice; having an excess of assurance.

On the other hand...I do seem to share my thoughts and feeling rather boldly in classes...such as Relief Society and Sunday School...

A few weeks ago I walked in to Klint Day's Sunday School class and he looked at me and said, "Oh, good. We will have cogent comments today."  I have learned to love that word...cogent.  Another 'c' word :-)

(of an argument or case) Clear, logical, and convincing.
convincing - persuasive - conclusive - potent
I think it would be difficult to be cogent without being somewhat confident.  Persuasion requires a certain amount of confidence...I think.

I still have total confidence in prayer.  I know without a doubt (with total and complete confidence) that prayer has worked in my life.  I am confident that my Heavenly Father listens to me.  I am confident that I matter to Him. I am confident that He knows my name. I am confident that He knows who I am. I am confident that He knows my needs and the righteous desires of my heart.  

I used to be confident about a number of things and over time I have let things go to the point that I no longer have confidence.  For example...I used to sing...not just in the shower, but really SING.  Then I allowed a series of events drain away the joy in life that "made me sing."  Now the 'instrument' has not been used for so long that I have to refurbish it in order to begin to make even tenuous 'music'...now it is just noise.

That being said, I also want to say that I am confident that I will succeed in the endeavor to not only refurbish the instrument but abide in the joy that makes the music well up inside and come forth as real 'music' again.

1 July

1)     Breif; short;, applied to language or style; containing few words; comprehensive; comprehending much in few words, or the principal matters only.

Sometimes, but rarely, I am concise.  I guess I like words too much.  When I am concise I end up having to explain what a word means or something.  I think I am not as cogent when I am concise.  ;-)

This is a challenge.  I accept.  To become more concise with easier vocabulary.  It is worth the try and may help me be nicer.

Onward and Upward!!