I have been thinking about that word... co-operative. Meaning "operating jointly to the same end."
I don't have a 'business' partner but I have a partner in life and we are going about the 'business' of becoming a celestial partnership. (Wow, that sure caused a sudden shift in my thinking).
I know that I am probably the weakest link in anything that requires cooperation. So what do I need to overcome in order to become more cooperative? I need to overcome impatience, allowing myself to be easily irritated at interruptions and what I perceive as in-attentiveness (you know, where you have to repeat yourself several times in several different ways until the other person 'gets' it), and shear and utter laziness.
I think that would help a LOT. All those things have to do with another "C" word - - Charity. And the good book says if I don't have that I am NOTHING...I don't like that because I am seriously working on becoming SOMETHING special.
I know that my wonderful 'partner' is a lot better at becoming than I am. At least I see it in him. He amazes me. I am thankful for him. He sure pushes ALL of my buttons (good ones and bad ones). I guess this challenge will help me eliminate the bad ones so I am more friendly.
It is okay with me that others read my thought through this process...someone may have similar weaknesses and can give me a little insight to how to make adjustments. Someone may have the same issues and say, 'well, if she can try so can I.' So I offer my thoughts in the spirit of cooperation and pray for forgiveness from the readers for my profound human weaknesses.
Today's word is COMPLETED....It really makes me laugh, sigh, drop my jaw,...How in the world will that apply to me or my life if I am so busy trying to just be cooperative, concise, confident...well, the key word is 'becoming'...how can 'becoming' ever really be completed?
As Ever...
Onward and Upward!!
That is so cool that you came to the same conclusion as I did on the word "completed". It opened up the possibility in my mind that there really is no such thing as completed. If so, it would completely negate eternal progression. I LOVE what this word taught!