Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday's Watch Word - - 'Cooperative'


  Operating jointly to the same end.

Isn't that the definition of Marriage? or Partnership? or Team? or Community (oo another 'C' word)? of Zion (aside from being the pure in heart)?

Could it also have something to do with Charity (oh! another 'C' word).

Am I cooperative? I have a lot of really good moments and some just plain anti-social moments when I do NOT want to cooperate.  My husband will attest to that. I tend to dig my heels in when I feel coerced or ordered.  I find that I am much more cooperative when I am asked or invited.  My, my, my...what a lesson to me.  Holding up the mirror can be painful.  I guess I had better get on the stick about being more "inviting" rather that a drill sergeant.

Cooperative...I will practice this one today.  I think my birthday is a good day to be cooperative. :-)


  1. Happy Birthday, Tari! And you're right about being co-erced or ordered. I respond much better when invited or asked. And that mirror concept works. Sigh. I have SO far to go!

  2. Thanks, Larry! Thank you for your comment on my thoughts as well. It is so good to have some feed-back.
    Have a very happy day. Hugs.


This is my 90 day personal journal for the "Every Woman A CEO" project. Feel free to leave a comment but please be nice...and no spam.
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