Tilled; improved in
excellence or condition; corrected and enlarged; cherished; meliorated;
civilized; produced by tillage.
When I saw today's word all I could think about was how the ground must feel when a farmer drives over it with a huge tractor pulling a cultivator...a huge contraption that has rows and rows of tines that dig in and turn over the soil making it fit for planting. Home gardeners usually use a hoe or a walk-behind use big tractors and big cultivators.
As I woke with a tummy ache yesterday I really felt like I empathized with the earth. When my husband sent me a text saying, "How is your day going? Are you well cultivated?" my reply was, "I feel thoroughly dug up and churned." He asked me if that was good and my response was, "Is it good in farming?"
On a more serious note though...I believe this 90 day challenge is all about cultivation. Doing the prep work for planting good thoughts and habits that will take us to our ultimate goal. We each have our own idea of what our crop will be...whether temporal or spiritual or both. The first time we go through this 90 day challenge is all about cultivation. The next time it will be all about planting. And the next time will be all about weeding the rows and watering and feeding the crop. Sometimes that has to be done many times before the harvest. And then!...the harvest. Sometimes we can even sneak in and grab out a goodie that is ripe before the rest and really enjoy it with enthusiasm because of the promise it represents of a marvelous harvest. And when the harvest is done....guess what!!?! We get to start again!!
Onward and Upward!
I love the idea of the little sayings at the top of each page for a planner. In fact, I've already got 30 c-word sayings sitting on my computer waiting to go into the workbook. (The workbook is strictly for c-words) I didn't think it would be so, but am thoroughly convinced now that a planner is necessary for the e-words. But it can't be your normal, everyday planner. It has to be different, because the word-approach to each day is different. For instance, even though we must put forth effort in accomplishing each word, each word has its own power and will manifest itself in its own way. We can't MAKE it what we want. We have to ALLOW it to be what it's gonna be. We just have to set the goal to accomplish the word, then record at the end of the day if it was done but, more particularly, HOW it was done. HOW was the word accomplished? Where were you led? What effect did it have?
ReplyDeleteSee what I mean? This planner has to be different, and I'm not sure what that looks like.