Sunday, April 20, 2014

Friday's word - ONENESS; Saturday's word - OPENING; Sunday's word - OPENNESS

Singleness in number;  individuality;  unity;  the quality of being one.

     This word means a couple of things to me.  Taking the 1828 definition and applying to my life it means:
that I am an individual with some unique and interesting qualities, talents and gifts.  That I am unlike anyone else on the planet and yet I can be in unity of purpose with a group or another individual to help to bring to pass any given goal, event, or purpose.  It also means that I can become in unity with God in bringing to pass HIS purposes and goals.
     I like the thought of that.  I also think that it takes effort and work, conscious thought, and diligence to accomplish it all.  It takes focus and patience, persistence, and lots and lots of love.

1.       A breach; an aperture;  a hole or perforation.
2.       A place admitting entrance;  as a bay or creek.
3.       Dawn;  first appearance or visibleness;  beginning of exhibition or discovery.

Unclosing;  unsealing;  uncovering;  revealing;  interpreting.

     I am going out on a limb here but this feels like a word that means to open the heart and mind to new things.  "A place admitting entrance" - "Beginning of exhibition or discovery."  "Unclosing"  "Unsealing"
     There is a lot of that going on with this challenge.  I think it is going to become even more interesting as time goes by because some of these "O" words are really "out there"...not words that I think much about on a regular basis.  It's kind of crazy but I am enjoying this journey.
     I am learning a lot about myself.
     This word creates a visualization of a slowly opening lotus blossom.  Secrets guarded and protected are being revealed, exposed for what they are, and put away where they belong.  Some are going away...far away...and some are being held closer and cherished, polished and embraced.

1.       Freedom from covering or obstruction;  as the openness of a country.
2.       Plainness;  clearness;  freedom from obscurity or ambiguity;  as, deliver your answers with more openness.
3.       Freedom from disguise;  unreservedness;  plainness.
4.       Expression of frankness or candor;  as openness of countenance.
Unusual mildness;  freedom from snow and frost;  as the openness of a winter.

     This word has to apply to myself as I deal with myself.  I am learning to be more open with myself.  I am shedding my disguises and learning to be who I really am.  It is kind of fun to be setting myself free of the person that I think everyone wants me to be and just BE how I feel in my heart.
     I like it.

Here's to Growing and Glowing!!!
Onward and Upward!


  1. I was reading some of your earlier blogs, way back to some of the C-words. Wow! You have changed a lot! There's more confidence in your blogging, in the words you're using. You seem more clear in your desires, have picked up several of the nuances you said you wanted to see. You're just as eloquent as always, but your words are much more concise----without being biting. Again, wow! You're an inspiration.


This is my 90 day personal journal for the "Every Woman A CEO" project. Feel free to leave a comment but please be nice...and no spam.
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