look, that is, to reach forward, or to fix the eyes.
- To wait for.
- To look for; to have a previous apprehension of something future, whether good or evil; to entertain at least a slight belief that an event will happen. We expect a visit that has been promised. We expect money will be paid at the time it is due, though we are often disappointed. Expect, in its legitimate sense, always refers to a future event. The common phrase, I expect it was, is as vulgar as it is improper.
" Expect" is an element of Faith. It is part of the Law of Attraction. When we expect something and we are disappointed it is because we either have lost patience or we have negated the desire somehow. Of course there is always the factor that God knows better than we do and would just really rather not give it to us...but I submit this theory:
When we set our expectations based on prayer...listening for the voice of Deity to guide our choices...aligning our will with HIS...then we will only expect that which He will surely give us.
I do expect the rising of the sun every morning and the setting of it every evening. And I expect God to keep His word about signs and wonders using His creations...as he has foretold.
I do expect answers to my prayers...both positive, when my desires are righteous, and negative when they aren't.
Yes, this is a good word to seriously learn from, to search out its soul.
Here's to Growing and Glowing!!!
Onward and Upward!
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