Sunday, March 30, 2014


     Thursday's word was ENERGIZE.

  • To act with force;  to operate with vigor;  to act in producing an effect.
  • To give strength or force to;  to give active vigor.
     I am not sure that this word has ever applied to me.  I don't typically display much vigor.  I have always been on the slow moving side.  So I am thinking that this word has come into my life to say, "Tari, get a move on!!!"
     On the other hand, I can be rather strong or forceful when the situation requires it. 
     I will continue to look at this one and see how I can rightly apply it to my I can employ it in right living.
     That day, Thursday, I spent at my computer trying with all my energy to finish a project by my self-imposed deadline.  It ran over into Friday...I did get my portion of the project done with time for my husband to do his portion but he ran into a it is still waiting...and it is passed the deadline.  I gave NO energy to the feeling inside that wanted to come out as a tantrum at my husband.  I just was content to have my portion finished and planned to help him figure out his.
     I have to say that that was very satisfying.  I want to give energy to that skill.  It makes for a better night's sleep.

Friday's word was EQUATE.
     The 1828 dictionary doesn't have a definition for this I looked somewhere else.
  • consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another.
  • "customers equate their name with quality"
  • synonyms...identify, compare, liken, associate, connect, link, relate, class, bracket
     Interesting word for this project.  
     I think I have been doing this as I read the Old Testament, and as I have read the Book of Mormon...and any self-help book I have given any time to.  
     I was reading about the Children of they were taken out of Egypt and they were being guided to the Promised Land...and they looked at the pillar of fire and the pillar of smoke and KNEW it was God leading them and one day they just decided that it wasn't him anymore.  How dumb is that?  How often do I know that God is there leading me and teaching me and one day I just 'forget' that is happening and have a melt down.  Wow!!
     And then there are the passages about discipleship.  I am learning to take those passage a lot more personally.  Too many people think that Jesus is just talking to the 12 apostles when he tells them to do the miracles that they have seen Him do.  But He was talking to all of us who claim to be followers of Christ...we have to equate ourselves with those scriptures...with those directives. 
     This is an area of omission on our part.  We...I need to be taking those directives a LOT more seriously.

Saturday's word was EMBRACE.
  1. To take, clasp or enclose in the arms;  to press to the bosom, in token of affection.
  2. to seize eagerly;  to lay hold on;  to receive or take with willingness that which is offered;  as, to embrace the Christian religion;  to embrace the opportunity of doing a favor.
  3. To Comprehend;  to include or take in;  as, natural philosophy embraces many sciences.
  4. To compromise;  to enclose;  to encompass;  to contain;  to encircle.
  5. To receive;  to admit
  6. To find;  to take;  to accept..
  7. To have carnal intercourse with.
  8. To put on.
  9. to attempt to influence a jury corruptly --- Blackstone
  1. enclosure or clasp with the arms;  pressure to the bosom with the arms.
  2. reception of one thing into another.
  3. Sexual intercourse;  conjugal endearment.
     I think I am going through this challenge with an open enough mind to see the things that I would like to embrace and incorporate into my being.  I know that I am living a little more deliberately than I used to.  I am not used to the structure that I am imposing upon myself in order to get the tasks done that this challenge requires.  But I have resolved that it will only be an imposition until I have created so more appropriate habits...not just action habits but habits of thought and self-talk.
     Embracing the concepts of this challenge is very desirable to me.  I believe that this challenge only helps me to become more deliberate and effective in my life and my relationships.
     This is a good thing!

Today's word is ETERNALIZE
  • To make eternal;  to give endless duration to.
     Well, this just follows naturally the thoughts and feelings of the previous words/experiences.  
     When the adjustments are made, the tweaking of the habits...then the better person that I become is one that I hope will last through eternity.  I really do believe in eternity.  I hope to be in the best possible place throughout all eternity.  I am hoping that the things that I learn from choosing less "normal" (speaking of today's society) ways of thinking and acting will lead to a place on the right hand of God.  Like the scriptures talk about.
     I want the changes that happen to last forever...and I want to keep improving as time goes by...shedding the less desirable habits, thought patterns, self-talk, worries and concerns for those of a more durable way of thinking and speaking.
     I hope I have made some sense here.  I hope.

Here's to Growing and Glowing!!
Onward and Upward!

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