Monday, March 24, 2014

Explore, in review...and the word for tomorrow, Exist

     So today I went to the optometrist.  Learned that my eyes haven't really changed as far as a prescription is concerned but the Dr. decided to explore for a bit and discovered that I have dry eyes.  Did you know that dry eyes can affect your vision?  Well, I learned something new today.
     I went to the Family History Library at BYU today and wrote 10 pages in long hand...about my memories since marrying Randy.  I got to where we moved to Boise after our youngest son was born.  Keep in mind that this is just a sketch...and I am amazed that I remember so much.  I almost remembered addresses.
     It is fun to explore memories...I chose only the good ones...  :)
     After writing for awhile, I went to the computer and started looking at what I could do to find another family member from the past.  That is a quest that requires more expertise than I have right now.  I don't read German, so I got stuck.  I did find some interesting newspaper clips though, while I was searching for more information on Heinrich Henry Humbach, grandfather to my grandmother on my father's side.  I would just LOVE to find where he was born, and when he became and American citizen.  He landed in New York Harbor in 1881.  He and his little family came over on the Salier.
     Anyway...that was my exploration into my family tonight.

     Tomorrow's word is EXIST.
     The primary sense of this word is to set, fix or be fixed, whence the set of permanence, continuance.

  1. To be;  to have an essence or real being, applicable to matter or body, and to spiritual substance.  A supreme being and first cause of all other beings must have existed from eternity, for no being can have created himself.
  2. To live;  to have life or animation.  Men cannot exist in water, nor fishes on land.
  3. To remain; to endure; to continue in being.  How long shall national enmities exist?
     Well, there it is...EXIST...happily, I DO exist.  Now how well do I endure?  Most days I do find the ability to smile and be very grateful for something in this life.  See, gratitude is a key to enduring this existence well.  We will see what tomorrow brings for this word.

Here's to Growing and Glowing!!
Onward and Upward!!

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