Monday, July 1, 2013

Sunday 30 June Watch Word -- 'Confident' Monday 1 July Watch Word - - 'Concise'

hmmm...'confident'...not normally a word I associate with myself.  Truthfully, I just don't think about myself as 'confident'...

1)     Having full belief; trusting; relying; fully assured.
2)  Positive; dogmatical; as a confident talker.
3)  Trusting; without suspicion.
4)  Bold to a vice; having an excess of assurance.

On the other hand...I do seem to share my thoughts and feeling rather boldly in classes...such as Relief Society and Sunday School...

A few weeks ago I walked in to Klint Day's Sunday School class and he looked at me and said, "Oh, good. We will have cogent comments today."  I have learned to love that word...cogent.  Another 'c' word :-)

(of an argument or case) Clear, logical, and convincing.
convincing - persuasive - conclusive - potent
I think it would be difficult to be cogent without being somewhat confident.  Persuasion requires a certain amount of confidence...I think.

I still have total confidence in prayer.  I know without a doubt (with total and complete confidence) that prayer has worked in my life.  I am confident that my Heavenly Father listens to me.  I am confident that I matter to Him. I am confident that He knows my name. I am confident that He knows who I am. I am confident that He knows my needs and the righteous desires of my heart.  

I used to be confident about a number of things and over time I have let things go to the point that I no longer have confidence.  For example...I used to sing...not just in the shower, but really SING.  Then I allowed a series of events drain away the joy in life that "made me sing."  Now the 'instrument' has not been used for so long that I have to refurbish it in order to begin to make even tenuous 'music' it is just noise.

That being said, I also want to say that I am confident that I will succeed in the endeavor to not only refurbish the instrument but abide in the joy that makes the music well up inside and come forth as real 'music' again.

1 July

1)     Breif; short;, applied to language or style; containing few words; comprehensive; comprehending much in few words, or the principal matters only.

Sometimes, but rarely, I am concise.  I guess I like words too much.  When I am concise I end up having to explain what a word means or something.  I think I am not as cogent when I am concise.  ;-)

This is a challenge.  I accept.  To become more concise with easier vocabulary.  It is worth the try and may help me be nicer.

Onward and Upward!!

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