Thursday, July 11, 2013

Today's Watch Word - - Communicative

1)     Inclined to communicate; ready to impart to others.  In the sense of liberal of benefits, though legitimate, it is little used.

2)  Disposed to impart or disclose, as knowledge, opinions, or facts; free to communicate; not reserved.
Ha ha ha.  This is a good one.  I am usually very communicative.  My husband says I always say too much...except to him.  With him I tend to clam up.  I don't know why.

I love to share my opinions and what little knowledge I have.  I can strike up a conversation with strangers in the grocery husband doesn't like to do's fun.  I have to admit though, that I do need to keep a reign on the tongue ... what I say.  I tend to be an open book and my husband is from the restricted section of the library.  I have to learn to respect his privacy where it connected to my enthusiasm.

I know that I have situations where I hope I am communicating the most helpful information I can.  Especially in the classes that I teach in pottery, and with Visiting Teaching, etc. These are areas where I love to share.

The area that I lack good communication is prayer.  Sometimes I just don't know how to say what I mean when I pray...BUT I am learning.

Onward and Upward!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, Tari. This is getting good. I LOVE reading your blog posts!
    I do this little dance at least once a day, singing this stupid little phrase: "I'm a'gonna change, oh, yeah. I'm a-changin'! Oh, yeah!"
    Stupid, huh? Who cares?!? (chuckle) I love doin' my little dance. (It lasts all of 5 seconds, but it's fun, anyway.)
    Okay, per your request, the first 5 E-words are in this order:

    1. Execute
    2. Effect
    3. Employ
    4. Eliminate
    5. Exist

    I did mine out of order, so I'm trying to get back on track, but I believe this is the proper order so far.
    Alicia is working out the kinks on the order for the rest.


This is my 90 day personal journal for the "Every Woman A CEO" project. Feel free to leave a comment but please be nice...and no spam.
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