Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wednesday's Watch Word - - Captivating

1)        Taking prisoner; engaging the affections.

2)   Having power to engage the affections.

This word makes me think of my two infant grandsons.  When they smile at me...goodness! I am lost in them.  My heart fills up to where it feels like it will burst...and I think so what if it is just love that will get all over everything.

I think friendships are made this way.  "Having the power" is not a negative thing...well it doesn't have to be, because we all know that any gift can be abused. I think it is 'power' that Christ has to draw us to Him.

I am not drawn to anyone who is cruel or self-centered.  My affections are freely given to those who are kind, full of care, interested and interesting.

My Patriarchal Blessing talks about being and example of Christian virtues.  Do you know that I don't even really know what those are?  Is that sad or what?  I have done some research but haven't come to any conclusions that speak to me about this.  I am full of hope that this 90 day challenge is helping me to become a better example even if I don't know the names of those virtues.  I only bring this up because I sense that those virtues are a key to how we use this power to captivate.

I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone but me but there it is...

Onward and Upward!

1 comment:

  1. Tari, I found the virtues of Christ! They're in D&C 4. And all this time we thought this was strictly for missionaries! Bah! They are a list of Christlike attributes in the exact order the Lord desires us to receive them. Awesome!


This is my 90 day personal journal for the "Every Woman A CEO" project. Feel free to leave a comment but please be nice...and no spam.
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