Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The 'E' Words begin...

Okay, I admit it, I am a coward.  Yep...this part of the 90 day challenge scares me. Work scares me...I am a frustrated perfectionist...Let me rephrase that...I have been a frustrated perfectionist. If I don't think that I can do a thing perfectly then I just don't want to give it the effort at all.  Well, ... I think that needs to change.

The introductory word for the 'E' word series is Execute.  Very apropo.

Execute:      to follow
1.           Literally, to follow out or through.  Hence, to perform; to do; to effect; to carry into complete effect; to complete; to finish.
2.       To perform; to inflict; as, to execute judgment or vengeance.
3.        To carry into effect; as, to execute law or justice.
4.        To carry into effect the law, or the judgment or sentence on a person; to inflict capital punishment on; to put to death; as, to execute a traitor.
5.        To kill.
6.       To complete, as a legal instrument; to perform what is required to give validity to a writing, as by signing and sealing; as, to execute a deed or lease.

** To perform the proper office; to produce an effect.

So, it is my mission to search out and execute the traitorous characteristics of my being and make room for the wonderously amazing woman hiding in my soul...beginning with the frustrated perfectionist.

If I haven't learned anything else from my sojourn into pottery I have learned that once I throw that clay down onto the wheel (you have to throw it down so it sticks) it can become anything...even if it ends up being something other than what I intended at the outset.  And just because it doesn't turn out to be what my first idea was doesn't mean it isn't something useful and beautiful.  I gave up throwing things out early on...because the pieces had such potential to be serious or whimsical...so I end up with a bowl instead of a mug...of a large vase instead of a pitcher...or a pitcher instead of a bowl...I still have something wonderful.

The 'frustrated' part of the perfectionist is going away.  The perfectionist can remain...there is a place for her...she just has to understand that it is a destination requiring a process...you know, the refiner's fire and all that.

So with all this in mind...I may take more than a day on each of these next 30 words... which makes this challenge more than 90 days for me,but that's okay... because I want to make them a part of me...I want to effect change...I want to sculpt a thing of beauty and strength.  It really only needs to please me and God...if it does that...the 2 of us together...I will be pleased.

Onward and Upward!!

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This is my 90 day personal journal for the "Every Woman A CEO" project. Feel free to leave a comment but please be nice...and no spam.
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